02 March 2011


Mint.com is my new favorite website. It tracks EVERYTHING - every online account you have, 401k, investments, payments, debt, etc... All in one place. This is great for us especially right now, because we have half of our accounts switched over to Wells Fargo, and several still through Wachovia.

Mint's amazing. You can track spending trends, set goals, and figure out a budget that works. It has pie charts and graphs and transaction ledgers - you can view them all together or separate by account, type, category of expense... Me oh my! The list goes on.

One of my favorite features is the "split" feature. It allows you to view a transaction... like "Walmart $106.29" and split it up by category according to amount: $10.12 groceries; $24.57 home goods; $14.00 meds/pharmacy; and $57.60 electronics... Amazing.

I always used to get mad at budgeting (even though I know how important it is). I would still dread doing it because, a) it was time consuming and, b) I never could get all those categories to accurately represent how we really spent.

No longer!

Mint.com is my new best friend and is really helping us get extra-set for traveling to the UK in May.


1 comment:

Britni said...

AH! I was so excited to see your name under the comments section! How have you been lady!? I miss you too! I would LOVE to catch up sometime! I'm officially listing your blog as one I'm following on my blog. How fun! xoxoxo