20 December 2010

Utterly Thankful

I’m so utterly thankful that I’m married to Grant. I used to think that I chose wisely—I’d finally found ‘the one’ of my own accord and thank goodness he was cute and funny and brilliant and loved Jesus. I also thought that “I had arrived;” now that I was in love and married, two-thirds of the broken-hearted country songs no longer applied to me and that chapter defined by dating and not knowing and wondering and searching and praying was over! Whew! I’d found him and he’d found me. End of story. Cue the music.

What I did not realize, though I think we said it more than once the week of our wedding, was that God had really and truly brought the two of us together for a purpose, for His glory, and that—in His gracious goodness—He’d orchestrated the whole thing and played a much bigger role in ‘our’ story than we’d ever given thought or credit.

I believe it. It’s true: God brought us together. This is the three-strand cord that is not easily broken. This is the intimacy that knows not shame or self-awareness. This is the preview of things to come and this little slice of heaven is eternal.

My soul worships God more fully through our marriage.

Let me say that again. My soul worships God more fully through our marriage. God has ministered to my heart, taught me infinitely more, and revealed Himself to me in uncountable ways—all of which only possible through this: my specific and perfect two-becoming-one union with Grant. I love to see God work in and through our marriage. It delights me how much He has invested in us. What a faithful God we serve.

1 comment:

Grant said...

I am thankful for you too. Great post.